She asked if I knew about the Ring Pass Not and I told her I did. I did have memory of hearing the term and likened it to the genre of Alice Bailey White Magic readings I had been preoccupied with for some years. I thought of it as an astrophysical location--a place that we should not dare to pass. I couln't remember more about it, but knew it was psychically dangerous to be out there whereever it was. I understood her dilemma in some way. She seemed comforted to know I knew of the 'place' if it was a place. The place seemed to me to be in outer space. It is in spiritual space which of course is the same :)
The "Ring-Pass-Not" defines what is and is not "permitted," from the angle of your own Soul's growth, both in terms of skills as well as comprehension. That's why we're learning about different "Rings-Pass-Not," both personally and collectively. Aquarius Papers Global Astrology
From Blatavsky Net-Thesophy the Ring Pass Not is discussed. "She" is Blatavsky. The references indicated in the text below are not notated here as yet. Her full writings, however, can be found online here
She gives the essential problem if we do not eliminate the illusion of separateness.
It is because SELF pinions man within a narrow sphere “beyond which mortal mind can never range,” that the destruction of the personal sense of separateness is indispensable to the Occultist. (Literary Jottings by HPB)
In explaining some symbolism she explains further that this error is the cause of misery and suffering.
... The “Dragon,” who seeks to devour her coming child (the Universe), is the Dragon of absolute Wisdom—that Wisdom which, recognising the non-separateness of the Universe and everything in it from the Absolute ALL, sees in it no better than the great Illusion, Mahamaya [great illusion], hence the cause of misery and suffering. (SD ii 384)
To the phrase "collective individuality" she appends this footnote expressed in poignant language. It makes clear the logical connection between the radical unity and the resulting moral imperative.
The illusion of the personality, of a separate ego, placed by our egotism in the forefront. In one word, it is necessary to assimilate all humanity, live by it, for it; and in it; in other terms, cease to be “one,” and become “all” or the total. (ibid)
In another stray comment on one of the stanzas she writes:
This refers to the Non-Separateness of all that lives ... (SD i 68)
A maxim of its own from the Transactions of the Blavatsky Lodge.
It is this sense of separateness which is the root of all evil. (Transactions)
And finally here is a stray entry in the Theosophical Glossary by Blavatsky under "The Ring Pass Not".
The circle within which are confined all those who still labour under the delusion of separateness. (Theosophical Glossary)
I did not know the Buddhists had been teaching this principle.
The latter “principle” is the Lower Self, or that, which manifesting through our organic system, acting on this plane of illusion, imagines itself the Ego Sum, and thus falls into what Buddhist philosophy brands as the “heresy of separateness.” (Psychic and Noetic Action by HPB)
Here she shows the idea to be Hindu as well.
But the Hylo-Idealists deny the Vedantic idea of non-separateness, they deny that we are but parts of the whole; (BCW Vol IX p 138, Footnotes and Comment on "Ultimate Philosophy" by HPB)
In fact, she extracts and highlights the same idea in the Bhagavadgita.
Again, "Seek shelter in the eternal alone" (ibid). "Destroy the sense of separateness," repeats Krishna under every form. "The Mind (Manas) which follows the rambling senses, makes the Soul (Buddhi) as helpless as the boat which the wind leads astray upon the waters" (Bhagavatgita II. 70). (Preface to Voice of the Silence by HPB)
She gives some insight into how this sense of separateness develops:
There is a series of vehicles becoming more and more gross, from spirit to the densest matter, so that with each step downward and outward we get more and more the sense of separateness developed in us. Yet this is illusory, for if there were a real and complete separation between any two human beings, they could not communicate with, or understand each other in any way. (BCW Vol XIII p 71)
and then there was "Bill" at about the same time. I see him close to my face, smiling, somehow troll like...I'll get back to him in awhile....I think of him as a 'petty and mischievous demon'....He has been important to me for years.
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